Those in agribusiness are seeing the many benefits of using Diatomite.
- Higher yields, reduced water usage and less time spent on attending crops results in substantial financial returns
- Additionally the quality of the crops resulted in significantly higher yields
- The most sought after benefit of DE is its unparalleled ability to hold over 150% of its own weight in water
- The high cation exchange capacity improves the condition of soils by delivering the required water and nutrients efficiently when required by the plant
- The absorbent quality of Trisil’s DE reduces the severity of drought when regularly applied
- Trisil’s DE enhances the soil’s ability to uptake and maximise the utilisation of nutrients, such as, phosphorous, nitrogen, potassium, magnesium and calcium
- The high concentrate of plant available silica in Trisil’s DE strengthens the plant at a cellular level aiding the production of nutrient dense food
- The silicon strengthens plant cell walls allowing crops to withstand common weather stressors including high winds, heat and cold
- This increased strength is critical in allowing the plant to maximise the effect of photosynthesis, and producing high quality outputs
- Pests cannot build immunity to DE as it is a mechanical mode of action that abrades away their exoskeleton
- The strengthened cell wall provides a reinforced barrier to insects
- DE reduces internal worms and parasites in livestock restoring health back to the digestive system while binding toxins and heavy metals boosting overall health and performance

- Due to the high abundance of active microbes within the soil, higher rates of carbon sequestration takes place, resulting in less CO2 in the atmosphere
- Reduces the transpiration and evaporation as the water is locked in the DE until the plants request it, thereby reducing the effects of rapid evaporation
- DE does not cause harm to animals if digested
- Trisil’s DE ensures less or no chemical fertilisers are required, protecting the land for generations to come